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Avoiding Common Mistakes for Beginners

Avoiding Common Mistakes for Beginners

Alex Moss |

10 Common Darts Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Have you just started playing darts? Been inspired by watching the pro players such as Luke Littler and Luke Humphries and want to try the sport out for yourself? Whether you are a complete beginner or someone who is still at the start of your darts journey, it is important to get the basics of the game right to avoid making common mistakes.

Watching the top professional stars throw 180 after 180 on television can make you believe that darts is easy. The reality is that whilst darts is one of the most inclusive and cost-effective sports to get into, it is also one of the most difficult to master.

Darts requires an incredible amount of skill and precision to reach the very top, but even making small adjustments to your game can help anyone to significantly improve their performance. The Darts Corner team has put together a list of the 10 most common darts mistakes and how you can avoid making them yourself!

Common Darts Mistake #1: Using The Wrong Dart

Darts come in different grip levels with our grip level scale above ranking them from 1-5. A completely smooth barrel with no grip is (1) and a razor grip barrel with the maximum amount of grip is (5)

Finding the right equipment is one of the most important things when it comes to a player’s performance in darts. The unrivalled range of steel tip darts and soft tip darts at Darts Corner includes thousands of darts sets to choose from in a variety of materials, weights, shapes and grip types.

One of the most common darts mistakes we find is beginner players buying a set of darts that their favourite player uses and expecting to play just like them. A pro player’s signature darts set has been designed specifically for them and, whilst it may work for some players, it is not a guarantee to be the right fit for everyone.

Picking the wrong type of dart can have a negative impact on how you perform with not every dart suiting every player. One of our top tips for playing darts is to try out different sets of darts to see what works for you. This could be done with a group of friends who are already playing the game, so you can try out their setups to help find out what is the best option for you.

A simple ring grip dart is a good starter as this grip type is used by a lot of players. A benefit of a ring grip dart is that you can hold it anywhere along the barrel whilst you are finding the right position to hold the dart. The Designa Dark Thunder V2 Dart is a best seller at Darts Corner, with the barrels having a consistent ring grip across the entire barrel.

Read our ‘How To Choose Darts For Beginners’ blog for more expert tips on picking a first set of darts.

Common Darts Mistake #2: Poor Stance And Posture

Top Tips For Playing Darts – It is important to have a stable ‘stance’ and correct posture when throwing darts. The way you stand while throwing is referred to as your stance and is made up of several different elements that all need to be in unison to achieve a consistently high level of performance.

As illustrated in the graphic above, the three most common stances in darts are: forward, closed and open. There is no right or wrong way to place your feet against the throw line (where you stand behind to throw your darts), but it is about finding a stance you are most comfortable with and can naturally move into every time you play the game.

Having a poor stance and posture when throwing darts can have a detrimental effect on your performance for a number of reasons. Not only will it start to feel uncomfortable after a period of time, but it could also lead to a general bad posture and possible injury. The ideal position for your throwing arm is to have the shoulder, elbow and hand all aligned to form a 90 degree angle.

Check out our ‘Best Dart Weight For Beginners’ blog for some guidance on how the weight of a dart can suit the different throwing styles of each player.

Common Darts Mistake #3: Throwing Too Heavily

Darts Technique And Tips – The weight of steel tip darts can range from around 12g to 48g, so there is plenty of options to choose from. When it comes to picking the best weight for darts, there is no such thing as one size fits all. For a lot players it can be trial and error to work out what darts weight is best for them.

A quick look at the weight of darts used by the world’s top pro players shows that a dart around 23g is the most popular. Some players will opt for a lighter dart (around 18g to 22g) and others will prefer a heavier dart (24g and above). For example, the former Players Championship Finals runner-up Ryan Searle (pictured above) throws with a 32g dart!

One of our top darts tips and tricks to work out whether you need a lighter dart is to look at how much force you are throwing with. If you find that you are exerting too much effort and it is causing inaccuracy and fatigue, then you may benefit from dropping your darts weight to a lighter option. For beginners, we advise focusing on achieving a relaxed grip and a smooth, controlled release to help discover the optimal dart weight for your style.

Browse our ‘Beginners Darts’ collection for some of Darts Corner’s hand-picked darts sets that are perfect for newcomers just getting into the game.

Common Darts Mistake #4: Releasing At The Wrong Point

Dart Throwing Tips – An important factor in achieving consistency when playing darts is having a consistent release. Each player’s throw is unique in its own way, but one vital component of every throwing action is to let go of the dart at the right time. An early or late release of the dart can impact its trajectory and where it lands in the board.

The most popular throwing style is to aim the dart, bring it back towards you, and in a forward motion release the dart. Players should aim to let go of the dart from their hand as they near the end of extending the arm forward.

Getting this part of the throw right can take some time, so it is important to practice regularly to develop muscle memory. Read our ‘How To Throw A Dart’ blog for the key foundations on dart throwing.

Common Darts Mistake #5: Not Following Through

Darts Technique And Tips – Another common mistake made by beginners playing darts is failing to follow through after releasing the dart. When letting go of the dart you should try to snap your wrist, letting your arm continue in a throwing motion so that your fingertips are pointing towards the intended target. The aim is to have your arm finish fully extended in front of you after you have thrown the dart.

A common theme you will spot when watching the very best players on television is that they all follow through with their arm extended after each throw. This smooth follow through helps with the dart’s flight and its accuracy in hitting the intended target on the dartboard. A prime example is the 2021 PDC world champion Gerwyn Price (pictured above), who has a strong and consistent follow through with every dart.

Much like releasing the dart at the right time, achieving a clean follow through with each throw can take some time to master. For newcomers to darts who want to work on their follow through, spend some time practicing at home, with a focus on the final part of the throw. Try not to worry about where the darts land in the board to begin with, but instead on getting a smooth release with your arm fully extended after letting go of the dart.

Common Darts Mistake #6: Skipping The Warm-Up

Tips For Playing Darts – Make sure you warm up properly before playing a game of darts. Cold muscles can lead to inconsistent throws and increase the risk of injury, so it is important to set aside a suitable amount of time before your game to prepare. A warm up can also help you to ease any tension in your throwing arm as well as get into a nice rhythm, ready for when you play your match.

A warm-up routine will differ from person to person, with specific practice games favoured by certain players to get them in the best possible shape for their match. A popular warm-up routine for beginners is to go around the board on doubles in number order from 1-20 and then the bullseye. This routine is useful for newcomers to darts as it ensures you are practicing at all of the doubles on the dartboard.

Check out our ‘Darts Games To Play’ blog for a variety of different games to try out during your next warm-up.

Common Darts Mistake #7: Not Practicing Regularly

The 2023 PDC World Cup winner Damon Heta is one of the biggest practisers on the professional tour

Darts Tips And Tricks – It is important to regularly practice if you want to improve your darts game. Darts practice is something that every player should take very seriously as it can help to develop consistency and confidence.

As the old saying goes ‘practice makes perfect’ and the world’s top professionals will have spent thousands of hours honing their skills on the practice board. Getting into a regular practice routine is a great way to improve your skills.

Not practicing regularly can lead to your game stagnating and cause frustration, as you will not see any progress in your performance. Read our ‘How To Practice Darts’ blog for some helpful advice on how best to practice to get the most out of your game.

Common Darts Mistake #8: Ignoring Mental Focus

Luke Littler gestures to stay calm during one of his matches at the 2024/25 PDC World Darts Championship

Darts Techniques And Tips – Darts requires not just an immense amount of skill, but a lot of mental focus too. Any distractions and a lack of concentration can lead to poor performances, so it is important to remain focused whilst you are throwing to achieve the best results. Concentrate on the targets you are aiming for on the dartboard and try to avoid being distracted during your throw.

There are many different strategies players have incorporated into their own game over the years to help them remain mentally focused during a match. Some players will follow a set routine, like taking a drink of water after each throw, or staring at a spot on the floor between throws, to help prevent any distractions. Breathing techniques can also be beneficial for players in keeping themselves fully focused at all times.

Common Darts Mistake #9: Not Calculating Scores Correctly

Former Premier League winner Jonny Clayton sometimes leaves a bogey number (such as 162 or 166) - a score under 170 that is not a possible checkout with three darts in hand

Tips For Playing Darts – The counting side of darts has become more and more important over the years, with the elite level players boasting a wealth of mental arithmetic to work their way down from a score of 501 to zero in the fewest darts possible. A miscalculation during a match can seriously hamper a player’s strategy and gameplay, as it can lead to leaving a ‘bogey number’, which is a score less than 170 that cannot be checked out with three darts. For example, it is not possible to check out 159, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168 or 169 in one visit.

Darts Tips And Tricks – The How-To section of the Darts Corner blog has plenty of useful guides and tutorials for beginners that are new to the game. Check out the ‘Darts Maths’ blog for a closer look at how darts can improve numeracy skills, and the ‘Darts Scoring – The Rules Of Darts Explained’ blog delves into the rules of darts and how to play a traditional game of 501.

Common Darts Mistake #10: Overcomplicating The Game

Gary Anderson is one of the game’s stalwarts having played on the world darts circuit for the last 25 years

Tips For Playing Darts – One of the most common darts mistakes we see beginners make is trying to overcomplicate the game. This can be in numerous ways, such as using the most expensive equipment or trying unorthodox ways when it comes to checkouts in matches.

Our advice for newcomers would be to focus on mastering the basics of darts first before moving on to more complex strategies. A simplified and consistent approach to gameplay can help players develop the fundamental skills needed to be successful.

Browse our ‘Darts For Beginners’ collection for everything you need to get started as a darts player. Explore the ‘Beginners’ section of our blog for more in-depth guides to help improve your game.

Level Up Your Game With Darts Corner

We hope that this blog has given you some useful pointers to help you to avoid making these common mistakes yourself. Avoiding these mishaps can make a significant difference for any player, not just beginners, in improving their dart-playing skills. Follow the tips in this blog and apply them consistently to your game and you will be on the right path to success.

Darts Corner’s hand-picked ‘Beginners’ range is perfect for newcomers who are looking to get started on their own darts journey. Our ‘Darts Accessories’ collection has lots of different products to try out to help perfect your game.

The ‘How-To’ section of our blog is full of beginners guides and essential information to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the game.

Pictures: PDC

Alex Moss is a content creator for Darts Corner and the co-host of the Weekly Dartscast podcast. Alex co-founded the Weekly Dartscast in 2017 and has helped produce 350+ episodes of the podcast, with their list of previous guests on the show a who’s who in the world of darts.

Alex also writes content for the Darts Corner blog, including the weekly darts news round-ups and how-to guides.

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